Your story matters
Why am i asking for support?
It all began with a dream that one day I felt I would be called into ministry, as I would come to learn from a lot of my peers who graduated from B.I.O.L.A. with me, Ministry is challenging!
Ministry work is one of the most traumatic and often thankless fields of work to be in. So many people who are givers often go into ministry ready to give of themselves and are not ready to receive. So many ministry workers go in with the wanting to say yes to everything but not the ability to say no or to delegate responsibilities. this often leads to major problems within, not just ministries but also the personal lives of ministers.
Often two of the casualties of this careless behavior are our boundaries and our own families. As we compromise our boundaries for work or to do things, we risk working from a place of scarcity and we dive headlong right into burnout. Then when we put our families into this equation we can see how easily we can forget them by easily dismissing them because we are doing “God’s work” or maybe unintentionally we begin to see them as an obstacle for the work God needs done.
The trainings I am asking for support in, will allow me to step into ministries and people’s lives and help call to attention these kinds of oversights while journeying with them to create healthier ministries and church families while individually living lives that will bear rich fruits with a renewed vision of who God made you to be.
I am a recipient of such training and from my own personal testimony, I can confide in you, Outside of accepting Jesus as my lord and savior, these workshops completely changed my life and saved it. I want to step into the gap there and be a force of support and change in the Church Universal.
about me!
Greetings and salutations!
My name is Shawn and I would love to have the opportunity to give you a glimpse into my story, so journey with me, would you?
I grew up in the town of Monterey Park, home of the best Asian food in all the U.S. This also made me want to learn how to cook, not just for myself but also for those whom I would cross paths with.
I played all kinds of sports growing up and even got into competitive weightlifting. Yes by nature I am a competitive person but as I have gotten older that side has subsided a smidge.
One of my favorite pastimes is learning and playing board games, video games, and D&D.
I am a big nerd and proud. I love comic books, mangas, and online comics. basically anything with an in-depth narrative and a great payoff. I, like most in my own generation, also love movies. I am a fan of the Marvel films (mostly pre-Endgame) You can definitely catch me reminiscing and watching an Adam Sandler flick or a Dreamworks film.
I have a passion for the word of God and the narrative He has woven from Genesis 1 to our current day and seeing it onward toward Revelation. That passion also comes from falling in love with the Old Testament, specifically the Torah, and listening to how our brothers in the Jewish faith study it/ It throws me into complete aw and drives me create a space where we can apply such reverence and theology into our faith as Christ's followers!
From a young age, I fell in love with the art of story and knew I would love to be an author, however God had other plans for my life. I love to let my creative side out in many other outlets, some of those being: writing haikus, scripting for magic shows and writing short stories.
I came to the realization when I was in High School that we are all sensational stories in the making. it was not till recently however I found out how I was supposed to use this revelation.
I would love to help you grab the pen to your own book and co-author, with God, the wounderous story he has planned for you.

All of us are stories that are constantly being told through our daily lives and the choices we make. What kind of story do you wish to be?
”Stories create community, enable us to see through the eyes of other people and open us to the claims of others”
- Peter Forbes

Make a donation.
So many people don't get to finish their stories because of burnout, trauma, or suicide and sometimes they need someone to journey alongside them. You could be a catalyst to help them get the traveling companion that they need. Would you be willing to support me in helping a struggling pastor who is burnt out? Would you be willing to support me in helping someone overcome their trauma, in helping help someone find the value of their life so they keep it.
I would love for you to take this first step with me in receiving the training and education that will unleash me to be a force for hope the goal I'm hoping to raise is 8000$ for the first training
Contact Me
Thank you for taking an interest in Story Support. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and fill out a form and I will get back to you as promptly as possible!